My Book Report Template -Size A2 ( UK Edition)



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This A2-sized Book Review Template (twice the size of A3) encourages children to think less-superficially about what they have read. Once completed, children could use it as a classroom or bedroom display

The template is divided into four sections:

Section 1- explores children’s understanding of the key information about the book such as its title, author and genre. They can then begin to show their artistic flare by drawing the cover of the book they have read.

Section 2-  is the first part of a double page spread. Here, children can write a summary of their book. Of course the amount written would depend on the child’s ability; great for differentiated writing!! They continue to develop their writing by choosing their favourite characters and explaining their choice.

Section 3 – is the second part of the double-page spread. Here children get to design a bookmark for their book. They also have the opportunity to give written answers to formal questions about the book. For example, there are questions on the location of the story and thoughts on why the story ended in a particular way. Their critical thinking is further developed by being able to provide suggestions on how elements of the story could change. Not only that, they would also have to explain how this would change the outcome of the story. Again this concept is great for differentiation and stretch and challenge.

Section 4– is the final part of this resource. Here, children list five new words they have learnt and they must provide definitions for those words, a great way to start honing research skills!!

They are then asked to write their overall view of the book and provide a rating, based on five stars, for the plot, characters, vocabulary and overall rating.

Finally, children are asked to suggest a name for a sequel and explain what would happen in the sequel. They then round up their review by explaining what the book taught them.

Read our article on how to get the most out of book reviews.

Also available in packs of 4 and 30. 

Please allow 3-5 working days for delivery.

Please note this poster paper is the UK Edition containing UK English spellings.


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