Old Bear’s All-Together Painting


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Old Bear’s All-together Painting is a delightful story which has been written and illustrated by Jane Hissey.

It is aimed at younger children and is based on an activity that most children enjoy–painting–but this time the artists are a group of toys.

They each would like to do their own masterpiece but things begin to go wrong. Spots run and become stripes, stripes become wavy, spots become splodges but Old Bear comes to the rescue and he creates a work of art that incorporates all their attempts.

Everyone is delighted! The story uses simple language and, along with the characters, is really appealing.

The illustrations are bright and cheerful and young children will find them easy to relate to. All the toys want to do their own painting, but things are not going according to plan! So Old Bear shows the other toys what working together can achieve.


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