Category: Primary School Tips & Guides

Story Time Collections

Story time is quality time! Whether it’s just before bedtime or at any other time of the day, reading stories with your child is a highly rewarding experience for both. Our story time range below will give you and your child hours of joyous escapism: Just so Stories for little Children This beautifully -llustrated Usborne …

Getting your Child to Open Up

I have two daughters. One of them likes to tell me everything, the other one is very quiet. It can be very difficult to get much out of the younger one especially when I want to find out what she’s been up to at school. I’m sure a lot of you will understand what I’m …

Chores for Kids: Good or Bad?

When I ask my children to do any chores around the house I tend to be polite and always say, “Please babies, do you mind emptying the dishwasher?” My husband is constantly reminding me that the job will never get done if that’s how I ask . He demands I tell them by saying, “Go …