Usborne Bedtime Stories for Little Children (Hardcover)


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Another fascinating beautifully-illustrated set of stories from Usborne. It features the retelling of five stories from classic authors Aesop, Edward Lear and Kenneth Grahame.

Stories in this collection:

The Mouse’s Wedding –Father Mouse wants to find the perfect husband for his daughter Miss Mouse. He hopes to find the most powerful husband in the world but who could that be…

The Reluctant Dragon – Dragon is happy living a peaceful quiet life until he is discovered by a shepherd’s son. The shepherd son’s  curiosity got the better of him so he decided to set out to meet the dragon…

The Tortoise and the Eagle

Tortoise wasn’t very happyhe felt his life was BORING. Sitting on his log eating apples was no fun whatsoever.  Being an eagle seemed so much more fun; being able to soar into the sky…

The Ant and the Grasshopper – It’s never too young to start appreciating life’s little lessons.!! Grasshopper relaxed in the sun while  Ant worked hard to prepare for the inevitable winter…

The Owl and the Pussy Cat – This enchanting story is told using rhyme …Owl  and pussy cat set sail for the open seas . Pussy cat is serenaded by Owl….



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